Organize a training workshop for you and your fellow musicians
Workshop Options:
- Know Your Rights and AFM Contracts
- Collective Bargaining 101
- Secrets of a Successful Organizer Module
- Members Basics
- New Member Orientation (link to new member registration page)
- Negotiation Basics
- CPR Training
- And more… if there is a workshop that will build power for you and your fellow working musicians, book a time with your organizer below and together with your colleagues you can find or build a new training session to solve your problem!
How It Will Work
Schedule a Time
With your Lead Organizer, Hannah Kuhn, to have an initial planning conversation and identify 2-3 additional musicians you want to work with to organize a workshop.
Schedule a Group Planning Meeting
Chart the list of musicians you want to organize to attend, strategize a workshop that is relevant to the problem you’re facing, and build a timeline to make the workshop happen.
Outreach to your Fellow Musicians
With the support of your staff organizer, facilitate a workshop that will build power in the ranks of Musicians Union Local 6 membership!
Committees/Ways to build power
South Bay Organizing Committee:
- Join with musicians who live and work in the South Bay to build the power needed to bring region wide change and collective power for musicians. It can’t happen without you- join the movement today!
Workplace Negotiation Committees:
- Are you interested in serving on your orchestra, theater, or ensemble committee and getting directly involved in the bargaining process and building power for you and your fellow workers? Talk to your steward at your next rehearsal or book a time with your organizer to get you connected.
Labor Council Delegate:
- Musicians Union Local 6 is building power with Labor Councils across the bay area and we need musicians members to plug-in and serve as labor council delegates. If you are interested, reach out to Lead Organizer, Hannah Kuhn.
- What is a Labor Council? Labor Councils are bodies of workers that join together to solve local and state issues that affect working people through our combined collective power. Labor Councils are the local bodies of the AFL-CIO.